Sunday, November 21, 2010
Best quotes of the night:
"This whole night reminds me of 'Better Than Chocolate'"
"I just didn't wanna go up on stage. I'm wearing too many clothes for that."
"Oh my, what did I miss??!"
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Cake In A Jar!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
not writing a blog post
Wayside Youth and Family
The Whitehaus
The Woodrow Wilsons
Confluence, PA
Lilith Fair
1982 Yamaha Seca
Northampton, MA
Boston Derby Dames
There. Updated. Now I can continue writing as usual.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
'lay back cause this is summertime'
Then on Saturday, I joined some housemates for Dale's birthday celebration. She LOVES rollercoasters and grew up in the area, so we went back to an old, small amusement park that she would frequent as a kid. It was a really fun, relaxed afternoon - five housemate went, and we went on log rides and coasters and swings, had pizza and funnel cake, and watched Elvis, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. A wonderful day overall. And so summertime.
There's talk of bike rides and swimming in the lake and iced coffee. There's fresh strawberries and blooming sunflowers and raspberry muffins baking... this season has officially begun.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The first sunflower of the season in front of my home. And I can see the others bursting to get out!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
more mixed up
I'm in Pittsburgh this week. Yet another week of upheaval. Going on 6 weeks of this now. This week is a little different - my Gramma passed away last Friday. It was the best for her; at least that's how I feel. Haley and I had the pleasure of stopping through on our drive up during the move. We spent the afternoon and an overnight at their house. She was doing well the day we came. She had been released from the hospital after being stabilized from heart trouble. When we visited she was set up in her living room with oxygen, a hospital bed, etc. She was obviously uncomfortable and unhappy with the situation, but we got to visit and chat. It was the first time Haley had met any of my Dad's family. I'm eternally grateful that we stopped and stayed there for a short time.
Because I'm still unemployed (and beginning to get worried) I was able to come out on Monday and I'm staying until tomorrow afternoon. There were viewings and catching up with family and the funeral service of course. And today we spent some time sight seeing and went out to et (eat) at the casino dahntahn (down town.)
Perhaps this is the beginning of my gambling problem. Actually I played the penny slots, put in two dollars total and lost it all before I figured out what all the buttons meant. Great experience. Vegas here I come!
It will be good to get back home. But I'm sick of feeling so aimless without a way to support myself. I think ASAP I'll be heading to City Feed, a neighborhood grocery/cafe, to turn in an application with some 'references' from housemates who used to work there. If I'm going to get $11 an hour, I may as well be surrounded by good food.
At least I got to spend some time with family - that I really enjoyed.
Friday, June 11, 2010
On the road again
On the road to Northampton for a weekend visit...
Puppy: why the eff are you waking me up mama
Me: because you're so darn cute i need to photograph you! and watch your language.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
It was a great time overall. Also, funny experience, I was completely called out in the middle of Boston Commons. A couple girls strolling by casually handed me a flier and called out 'Have you heard about the dyke march?' I just said thanks. Guess that's that.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
i been gone
Then I went to the beach, spent some time with family, and feel much better. Although I still don't have my scooter.
In the past couple weeks I have lost a lot of pieces of me - my kitty cats, my home in Austin, all my amazing friends and family in Texas, my lady, and now my scooter. No doubt I am feeling a little scattered.
Sitting in Whole Foods right now in Framingham (where my 4pm interview is) so that I have NO trouble with traffic or getting lost. But if you have to be stuck somewhere, Whole Foods is the place to be. Deli food, organic peanut butter cups and Kombucha = feeling better.
Posts soon to come of my self guided bike tour around Boston.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
delicious in a jar
what you see below is the most delicious idea since sliced cake. these recently appeared in Austin Java's around Austin, and they are wonderful!
there are not even words to explain the magnificence. the flavor pictured is fuggedabodit (fudge, espresso, italian cream, mmmm.) some of their flavors that make me giggle are austin creme pie and armadillo jar (red velvet and chocolate mouse, get it?) the beauty is that they are freezable, as they seal just like when you're 'canning' fruit, jam, etc. then once the seal is popped they keep in the fridge for a little bit.
apparently, though, deliciousness in a jar is NOT a new idea (these guys just got to me i suppose.) so i was inspired to research how to create my own delicious in a jar. there are great recipes for cake in a jar around the world wide web, and even how to seal them so they can be given as gifts, mailed across the world, etc. here's a sweet resource i found for tons of different gifts in a jar. (not all immediately edible, however. the cake in a jar is unique and not replicable.)
i had to share these stupendous discoveries. my conclusion from this whole experience is that ball jars rock my socks.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Listening to 'This American Life' podcast, late night and home alone, about urban legends. Specifically a story of a sewer rat climbing through pipes into someones toilet. Then I walk into my dark room to see this...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
leaving atx
Kayak on lady bird
O. Henry Pun off
Karaoke highball
Gus fruh pool
Photo booth at amys
Group bike ride
Kite flying
Sisters edge
Yellow spaghetti?
Stubbs Sunday brunch
Whole foods sat samples
Hamilton pool
Float river
Free movie at central market/Whole foods
Town lake jog - 7 mile
Hideout comedy
Casa de Luz
Women art gallery
Drag walk
South Austin museum at planet k
Hippie Hollow
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
bumming out
clearly, we need to wake the fuck up.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
twin pups
At P Terrys for our 2pm breakfast today we saw a Boston that was so similar to Roswell it was amazing. I stopped in my tracks when I saw her and we cracked jokes back and forth with the owners about how strange it was to see one that looked like then. The other pup was about 11 yes old, and you can tell the difference in temperament just by the crazy look in Roswell's eyes. Good to know that she'll calm down someday. Even if it is ten years from now.
Anyway, they were so amused they asked to take a picture of the two 'twins' together and then emailed it to me. Ah, technology.
Friday, April 9, 2010
the kind of beauty that moves
Ahhhhh!!! Another amazing Ani show that I now have to file away in my memory. She was wonderful, exciting, gorgeous, well-spoken, etc., etc., etc. Of course she was. Buddy Wakefield opened. I have seen him at past shows as well; he's on her label. He is such a superb performer though. I bought a CD of his a couple years ago and it is great, but nothing compares to seeing him, so large and commanding, moving and shaking on stage when he speaks like the words are just the sound that his instrument makes.
And then Ani. I am amazed every time I see her in the flesh of how physically tiny she is. 5'almost nothin''. Because she is nowhere near that size in her music. Her messages, her emotions, her melodies have the ability to take over; to reach so much farther and higher and stronger than her very petite stature lets on. She played so many new songs and I loved every one of them. She hilariously completely forgot a chord of a song after playing the whole intro, and then decided to fill in the space with a different chord that worked well enough but was not actually correct. Also, she played an old folk song that she covered recently for Pete Seeger's birthday celebration. She modernized it slightly and politicized it beautifully, no surprise there. I hope I have hundreds more opportunities to see that woman perform.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
packed like pickles
I made pickles tonight. It was sort of ad-libbed, as I lost my pickle recipe but had bought pickle making cucumbers (they have a real name, I know) almost a whole week ago and they were going bad. I search the world wide web and found one that I had most of the ingredients for... I hope they turn out delicious. The first, and only other, time I made pickles was at the strangest, most wonderful show I have seen. It was a show put on by the Rubber Repertory called "The casket of passing fancy." I can't even hope to explain it adequately... you can find a bit of video on youtube (from the VERY show that H and I attended!!), and apparently you can request a 'script.' The Rubber Rep is issuing a challenge, of sorts, to other theatre companies around the country to produce something similar to that amazing fiasco.
Without too much attempt at an explanation, I'll share Haley and I's experiences. I had to privilege of a one-on-one lesson of how to make pickles from a family recipe passed down to one of the duchess' domestics. It was hands on, I chopped and sliced and combined everything right there and then got to take home the recipe and my creation. (That's the recipe I've now misplaced.) Haley was privy to a naughty horse ride, which consisted of a very gender neutral woman whipping her while she rode a rocking horse. Honestly, I think our experiences were on the tame side compared to some people's 'fancies.'
Here's their final blog post on the duchess herself -
THE RUBBER REPERTORY!?: R.I.P. Duchess 1920-2009
I'll never eat pickles the same way again.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
worthless things
Ricky Martin says he's 'a fortunate homosexual man'
I'm awesome, I would run away from a brawl. I'm awesome, I can't afford to buy eight balls and I talk to myself on my facebook wall.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
1. Don’t put drugs in people’s drinks in order to control their behavior.
2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!
3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!
4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.
5. If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, DON’T ASSAULT THEM!
6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.
7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.
8. Always be honest with people! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.
9. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!
10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone “on accident” you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
rude boy
Here's a wonderfully interesting article from the Opinions section of the Washington Post:
In Iraq, women serving in the military are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire.(It's about women in general in the U.S., not just in the military... it's just that line stuck me a little.) I try not to approach life with an attitude of anger or bitterness, but sometimes it seems like the right attitude to have. It's also strange (or blessed?) to have a daily life that leaves you feeling appreciated, satisfied, worthy; and, yet, intellectually know that is not the reality of so many others. I wonder if there is any possibility of a compromise between these two opposites.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Now when I hear the rain I get giddy and run to slip on my rain boots! The day I bought them was truly serendipitous. I stopped by the apartment office for a package and they were getting rid of some unused junk. I was offered a PERFECT side table, with a small drawer and a couple shelves. I know I'm a bit strange for getting excited about furniture, but I seriously have been wanting one (so much so that H was going to buy me an old table from a second hand shop for V-Day.) Then while running errands I stopped by Target to pick up some rain boots. I asked an employee for the boot section and she sadly pointed to rows and rows of empty boxes with only one pair left. So cute, and they fit perfectly. The whole day was meant to be.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Heart Hug Pillow
Here's the original idea found at
And here's how my finished product came out:
I'm quite proud to have followed a pattern, cut, sewed and stuffed successfully. And all that with no help and no instruction. It was well received for sure.
Chocolate Mousse Pastry Puffs
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Apples, Carrots, Celery and a Lemon squeezed in
I'm at work listening to Animal Collective (because of this review) and drinking my first ever creation on my new juicer. Delicious! There will be many more to come
Friday, January 15, 2010
overheard at a coffee shop
Barista: It is. Cats and dogs.
Customer: I know, I just stepped in a poodle