Tuesday, August 25, 2009

my podcasts won't download

Because my podcasts are too large to download without WiFi, I am now exploring different options for information and entertainment at this hour. Including more blog posting.

Here's something that makes me mad. Among other issues with the 'health care debate' -
Pregnancy is a "pre-existing condition"

A good (I thought) opinion article on Caster Semenya and 'gender testing'

And now, a story.

I work with foster kids at a treatment center in Austin. Specifically, I work the 3rd shift (that's overnight - 10pm till 7am) with the younger boys group. This morning was the first day of AISD school (perhaps the first day of public school all through the state actually) and my boys all very excitedly agreed to wear the nice shorts and polo shirts that I chose for their first day of school outfits. It made my heart happy to see them all so handsome. While combing hair and applying deodorant (we start young with the healthy habits) two boys started comparing their 'cool guy' pose. The morning staff and I looked on and laughed as the two boys took turns popping their collars, leaning back and spouting phrases like 'Duuude' and 'Down with the diggity dig.'

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