fun than reading Sarah Palin's memoir" and tonight was number 18 -
Bear Grylls eating a yak eyeball out of a dead carcass from Man Versus Wild.
Another reason why I love Austin -
Leslie found in critical condition
No other city would embrace, support and identify so strongly and
kindly with a cross dressing homeless man who cruised into Austin
years ago in his bike. It's just awesome.
And here's some info I found interesting about most national parks in
the US - apparently, the 'model' of creating national parks by kicking out
people who've lived there for decades, perhaps centuries is called the
Yosemite model. And, it is actually used regularly in this country.
In contrast, there is a national park in Canada that actually utilized
the peoples who live on the land by allowing to still care for it and
actually run the park. Ingenious. I suppose just another reason why
Canada is more awesome than the US. Hmm.
Lianna M.O. Burton
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