Tuesday, December 22, 2009

street art

I've always been fascinated by street art, or graffiti. I think it's amazing to take something everyday and make it beautiful and fantastic. It's the same sort of feeling I get when I see really beautiful architecture, buildings or structures. It's amazing to be within art; to be a part of it, to be using it.

Here's a great site on street art around the world. It has new updates from readers all the time -WoosterCollective


Since I can't seem to post on my own, here are some great quotes (and the stories they belong to) from some of my favorite blogs:

"He's just like Joe," my Dad said to my mom as he handed her the issue of People. It was progress.

It's one time you won't hear us complain about our love being turned into an issue.

My top choices for green gifts from the grocery store (stop laughing!):

My phone is 6 years old, and certainly isn’t “smart.”

It makes the cells in my body boogie-down as if they were listening to Earth, Wind, & Fire!