Friday, April 16, 2010

leaving atx

I'm starting to accept it. I will be leaving Austin soon. It's my choice really; something that I've been wanting for a little while now. Not that I don't LOVE Austin, actually, it may be that I love it too much. About a year or so ago I started thinking that this is only city where I've lived as an adult so I figured it was time to start traveling. Thankfully, H agreed (perhaps reluctantly in the beginning) and a city we have both always wanted to experience also has tons of wonderful graduate schools. So off the Boston it is - in June for H and at the end of the summer for me. In the meantime here is our list of things that we must do one last time before leaving home.


First thursday (missed it :( )
Trailer food day
Kayak on lady bird
Snow cone at snow beach!
O. Henry Pun off
Karaoke highball
Gus fruh pool
Photo booth at amys
Group bike ride
Zilker park train
Barton springs
French bread and cheese picnic
Kite flying
Longboard at night
Broken spoke dancing
Sisters edge
Yellow spaghetti?
P terrys
Stubbs Sunday brunch
Whole foods sat samples
Hamilton pool
Float river
3 am magnolia
Free movie at central market/Whole foods
Alamo movie
Town lake jog - 7 mile
Hideout comedy
Casa de Luz
Women art gallery
Drag walk
Outlet shopping
South Austin museum at planet k
Hippie Hollow

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

bumming out

i got on a really sad tandem of news stories after talking to my mom just a moment ago. turns out the mississippi girl who's prom was canceled when she asked to bring her gf is STILL being bullied by the adults of that town. pretty sick. and a few stories/searches later, here's the conclusion i've come to.

clearly, we need to wake the fuck up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

twin pups

At P Terrys for our 2pm breakfast today we saw a Boston that was so similar to Roswell it was amazing. I stopped in my tracks when I saw her and we cracked jokes back and forth with the owners about how strange it was to see one that looked like then. The other pup was about 11 yes old, and you can tell the difference in temperament just by the crazy look in Roswell's eyes. Good to know that she'll calm down someday. Even if it is ten years from now.

Anyway, they were so amused they asked to take a picture of the two 'twins' together and then emailed it to me. Ah, technology.



Friday, April 9, 2010

the kind of beauty that moves

Ahhhhh!!! Another amazing Ani show that I now have to file away in my memory. She was wonderful, exciting, gorgeous, well-spoken, etc., etc., etc. Of course she was. Buddy Wakefield opened. I have seen him at past shows as well; he's on her label. He is such a superb performer though. I bought a CD of his a couple years ago and it is great, but nothing compares to seeing him, so large and commanding, moving and shaking on stage when he speaks like the words are just the sound that his instrument makes.

And then Ani. I am amazed every time I see her in the flesh of how physically tiny she is. 5'almost nothin''. Because she is nowhere near that size in her music. Her messages, her emotions, her melodies have the ability to take over; to reach so much farther and higher and stronger than her very petite stature lets on. She played so many new songs and I loved every one of them. She hilariously completely forgot a chord of a song after playing the whole intro, and then decided to fill in the space with a different chord that worked well enough but was not actually correct. Also, she played an old folk song that she covered recently for Pete Seeger's birthday celebration. She modernized it slightly and politicized it beautifully, no surprise there. I hope I have hundreds more opportunities to see that woman perform.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

packed like pickles

I made pickles tonight. It was sort of ad-libbed, as I lost my pickle recipe but had bought pickle making cucumbers (they have a real name, I know) almost a whole week ago and they were going bad. I search the world wide web and found one that I had most of the ingredients for... I hope they turn out delicious. The first, and only other, time I made pickles was at the strangest, most wonderful show I have seen. It was a show put on by the Rubber Repertory called "The casket of passing fancy." I can't even hope to explain it adequately... you can find a bit of video on youtube (from the VERY show that H and I attended!!), and apparently you can request a 'script.' The Rubber Rep is issuing a challenge, of sorts, to other theatre companies around the country to produce something similar to that amazing fiasco.

Without too much attempt at an explanation, I'll share Haley and I's experiences. I had to privilege of a one-on-one lesson of how to make pickles from a family recipe passed down to one of the duchess' domestics. It was hands on, I chopped and sliced and combined everything right there and then got to take home the recipe and my creation. (That's the recipe I've now misplaced.) Haley was privy to a naughty horse ride, which consisted of a very gender neutral woman whipping her while she rode a rocking horse. Honestly, I think our experiences were on the tame side compared to some people's 'fancies.'

Here's their final blog post on the duchess herself -

THE RUBBER REPERTORY!?: R.I.P. Duchess 1920-2009

I'll never eat pickles the same way again.